This page offers links to Keller & Keller's legal documents, reports, publications, and general personal injury discussions.
Each article is written from our firm's viewpoint, based on more than 75 years of personal injury experience. The goal is to give our existing and potential clients a better understanding of what they can expect to encounter in the days and weeks after their accident while we attempt to settle their injury claim.
In addition to the many first-hand accounts we provide in our legal library, there are also several educational articles, but please remember that none of the information provided on this site should be substituted for actual legal advice, nor is it designed to serve as such.
Have a question about your case? Ready to talk to one of our attorneys in person? Contact us today for a consultation.
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FENTANYLFentanyl is a very strong narcotic (opioid) painkiller. It is sold under the brand name Duragesic as well as the generic version, fentanyl topical.
FOSAMAXFosamax, also known as Alendronate, belongs to a class of drugs called bisphosphonates, which are used to treat and prevent osteoporosis and Paget’s disease.
GAMIMUNEGamimune (immune globulin intravenous injection) is a medication used to strengthen the body's natural defense system
KETEKKetek, also known as telithromycin, is an antibiotic indicated for use in treating acute exacerbation of chronic bronchitis
LAMISILLamisil, also known as Terbinafine, is in a class of medications called antifungal prescribed to treat fungal infections of the fingernail and toenail.
LOTRONEXLotronex, also known as alosetron, is used to treat diarrhea, pain, and cramps caused by irritable bowel syndrome.
LYMERIXLymerix is a vaccine to aid in the prevention of Lyme disease which is transmitted to people through the ticks infected with the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi
MOBICIf you or a loved one have suffered injury as a result of taking Mobic, Keller & Keller can offer a free evaluation of your potential dangerous drug claim.
NEURONTINIf you're taking Neurontin, it's possible that you may have a claim against the drug manufacturer for its potential side-effects.
OXYCONTINIf you were harmed by Oxycontin, you may have a potential claim against the drug manufacturer.
PROPULSIDPropulsid (Cisapride) was a prescription drug designed for the treatment of severe gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), a or acute nighttime heartburn.
RAPLONRaplon (rapacuronium bromide) is an anesthetic used to relax skeletal muscles during surgery. It was approved for use by the FDA in August of 1999.