
The bike’s rack. I’m out of work. The insurance company didn’t seem to care; they just wanted to give me a small check. So I called Keller and Keller, the experienced lawyers, the local lawyers who respect riders. Call 1-800-KELLER, Keller and Keller, right now.

What to Do After a Motorcycle Accident?

When compared to cars and trucks, motorcycles are less stable and much less visible than other motor vehicles. When a motorcycle accident does occur, the rider's rate of injury, or death per accident, is astronomical when compared to that of a driver or passenger in a car or truck. Safety should always be a first priority. If you are injured, you should call 911 immediately. After ensuring your safety and health, our motorcycle accident attorney team highlights some guidelines that you should follow: 

  • Seek Medical Attention. Again, your health is your priority. If you have severe injuries, you must immediately call for medical assistance. Even if you believe you are not injured, it is still crucial to seek medical attention. Adrenaline can prevent a person from feeling pain, and injuries may show up after the adrenaline wears off.  
  • Take Pictures of the Scene and Your Motorcycle. It is essential that you take pictures of the scene, the motorcycle, and your injuries (if visible). Also, try to obtain photos of the other vehicles involved and their license plate information, the driver’s license, or insurance information, if available. Taking pictures immediately after the accident can help support your claim against the other driver.
  • Gather Any Witness Information. If witnesses are on the scene, you should obtain their names and contact information. This contact information may become vital to resolving your personal injury claim. Make sure you take pictures of their driver’s license and license plates. 
  • Acquire a police report. Calling the police after an accident is always a good idea. A police officer can help ensure everyone is safe and receives medical attention.
  • Call Keller & Keller. In such a difficult time, the last thing you must worry about is fighting with the insurance company. Calling legal professionals with experience can make a BIG difference in your case. Your focus should be your health and recovery; let our motorcycle accident attorney team take care of the rest.

Our Motorcycle Accident Attorney Team Is Here to Help

When you seek the help of an experienced attorney, you will avoid many of these challenges. Our team at Keller & Keller will thoroughly assess the extent of your injuries, will investigate the accident to gather clear evidence of the driver’s fault, and will directly address the potential biases of police officers, insurance adjusters, jury members, or judges involved with your case. Our attorneys know what to expect because they have handled many of these cases. If you are a motorcyclist who was injured in a crash with a car or truck, call one of our offices. We are dedicated to the rights of bikers and would be happy to discuss your case.

Contact Our Motorcycle Accident Lawyers for a Free Analysis of Your Motorcycle Accident Case

In addition to our attorneys and staff offering injured motorcyclists excellent customer service, our experience handling claims for injured bikers will be critical to your case.

Keller & Keller's motorcycle accident lawyers have represented victims and their families throughout the country.

Fill out our confidential, free contact form or call us at 1-800-253-5537 for a free live consultation with one of our proven motorcycle accident lawyers.