This page offers links to Keller & Keller's legal documents, reports, publications, and general personal injury discussions.
Each article is written from our firm's viewpoint, based on more than 75 years of personal injury experience. The goal is to give our existing and potential clients a better understanding of what they can expect to encounter in the days and weeks after their accident while we attempt to settle their injury claim.
In addition to the many first-hand accounts we provide in our legal library, there are also several educational articles, but please remember that none of the information provided on this site should be substituted for actual legal advice, nor is it designed to serve as such.
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REZULINRezulin was a drug that was used to treat type 2 diabetes before it was recalled on March 21 in the year 2000.
SERZONEThe rate of Serzone liver failure associated to the antidepressant drug is about 3-4 times greater than an individual not treated with Serzone.
SPORANOXThe FDA believes there is real risk of developing congestive heart failure (CHF) associated with the use of Sporanox.
STADOLStadol (butorphanol tartrate) is a narcotic analgesic used to relieve pain. The drug can be administered through IV, injection, or nasal spray.
STEVENS JOHNSON SYNDROMEStevens-Johnson Syndrome is a potentially deadly skin disease that usually results from a drug reaction. Another form is called Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis
SYNTHROIDSynthroid (Levothyroxine sodium) is a drug that treats hypothyroidism, where a person's thyroid gland does not produce sufficient thyroid hormone.
THIMEROSALThimerosal, a mercury-containing preservative used in some vaccines as a preservative since the 1930s.
ZYBANIn the United States, Zyban has been prescribed to more than 5 million smokers since it was approved by the FDA, as a prescription anti-smoking drug in 1997.
ZYPREXAZyprexa is a medication that is used to treat psychoses including schizophrenia and acute manic episodes associated with bipolar I disorder.